You can help build this site by contributing your own games. We'll gladly include your name and a link back to your site if you have one.
We have a few criteria for games submissions.
- Any material that is submitted you must have permission to submit because you own the copyright or it is free for anyone to use
- You grant this site non exclusive rights to use your submission - that is, you own all rights to the submission and may reuse it anywhere else you like but you allow us to use it on our site
- All games must be Christian oriented or family friendly if submitting for that category
For Bible games and trivia:
- Send us a link to a site so that we may imbed it into our site or otherwise incorporate it.
- If you like, you may provide a short description or review of the game
For family friendly games:
- Please ensure that the game is family friendly - no violence, sex, drug use, etc.
- Provide information for embedding the game. Many free games sites will have information for embedding it into a site. One of the most popular sites is to get games from
- Give a review of description of the game
For printable Bible games
- Provide the game in a format that can either be printed directly from the site or downloaded. This can be in a picture format, a pdf file, or a word document.
For Sunday school games
- Provide a description of the game or activity to use in Sunday school. If there is a materials list or any thing that can be downloaded to supplement the activity, please provide this.
To send your game email us